Vodka Cruiser Sour Grape Bottle 275mL
Vodka Cruiser Sour Grape is a bold and tantalizing vodka-based beverage that captures the irresistible tanginess of sour grapes. With its distinctive and intense flavor profile, this drink offers a unique twist on the classic grape taste. Each sip brings a burst of tartness, balanced with the smoothness of vodka, creating a truly captivating experience for your taste buds. Vodka Cruiser Sour Grape is perfect for those who crave a bold and sour flavor sensation, whether enjoyed on its own or used as a vibrant ingredient in creative cocktails. Indulge in the adventurous and mouthwatering flavors of Vodka Cruiser Sour Grape and let your taste buds embark on a tangy journey like no other.Place of origin
Product Details
Alcohol By Volume | 4.6% |